This Phase 3 RCT by D’Agostino, et al. assessed the long-term effect of secukinumab to placebo at tissue level on synovitis and enthesitis, and across all PsA manifestations. They found consistent improvements in clinically and ultrasound-assessed synovitis and enthesitis.

December 2023

Psoriatic arthritis clusters, obtained by machine learning (ML) analysis of pooled data from the FUTURE, MEASURE, and MAXIMISE trials, indicate phenotypical heterogeneity of patients with PsA and axial manifestations and overlapping features across the spondyloarthritis spectrum. Here, Baraliakos, et al. sort to identify distinct clinical clusters, based on patient demographics and baseline clinical indicators, from the secukinumab clinical development programme.

September 2023

June 2023

Braun et al. studied a large cohort of patients with nr-axSpA, that demonstrated a secukinumab reduced SI joint inflammation (BME), this reduction was sustained over 104 weeks, from an overall low baseline level of spinal inflammation or structural damage.

May 2023

Ixekizumab, has been shown to be efficacious against paradoxical palmoplantar pustulosis which has been reported following the administration of therapeutic TNFi. Following the increased use of biologic therapies that improve patients’ quality of life are causing paradoxical adverse effects


Secukinumab, an IL-17A monoclonal antibody, was shown to have remarkable efficacy for axSpA in the MEASURE 2 and MEASURE 3 trials. Previous studies have concluded that secukinumab was more efficacious in TNFi-naïve patients.

Results from the 52-week phase 3 EXCEED study showed that secukinumab and adalimumab both display similar efficacy in time to resolution of enthesitis, in patients with PsA, irrespective of baseline enthesitis severity and individual site distribution.

Results from the 2-year phase 3 study FUTURE 5 show that the majority of patients with PsA who are treated with secukinumab were able to achieve sustained low disease activity or remission by week 104.

April 2023

The presence of dactylitis was associated with a higher disease burden in patients with PsA compared with those without dactylitis at baseline. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of secukinumab in patients with dactylitis at baseline over 2 years.