Siderius, et al. found that secukinumab was associated with low spinal radiographic progression. Furthermore, bone-related outcomes and BTMs related to collagen resorption (sCTX, PINP) remained constant during the 2-year period, whereas the BTM related to mineralisation (BALP) decreased significantly.

November 2023

As part of the GBD 2021, the authors provide updated estimates for the global burden of musculoskeletal disorders, excluding RA, osteoarthritis, low back pain, neck pain, and gout. In 2020, the total years lived with disability globally was estimated to be 42.7 million, which was a 122% increase from 1990. Over the same time period, mortality increased by 199%. The study forecasts an increase in cases by 2050 in all regions, with the exception of Central Europe.

September 2023

Post-hoc analysis of SPIRIT-P1 and SPIRIT-P2 concludes that ixekizumab (IXE) is effective in improving axial symptoms in patients with active PsA presenting with axial manifestations.

August 2023

This study concluded that, in r-axSpA, vertebral corner inflammation may lead to syndesmophyte formation but in a minority of cases via visible fat deposition. Here, investigators aimed to determine how much of the effect of vertebral corner inflammation on the development of syndesmophytes is explained by vertebral corner fat deposition.


This study by Tanaka, et al. shows that filgotinib reduces peripheral protein biomarkers associated with JAK/STAT signalling, inflammatory signalling, immune cell migration, and bone resorption in RA patients. Notably, filgotinib 200 mg significantly reduced IL-6, TNF, CXCL13 levels as early as Week 4.

June 2023

The results from Simon, et al. show that baricitinib treatment correlates with improvements in bone stiffness. Further improvements were also observed at the end of Week 52, with an increase in estimated failure load and no measurable progression in bone erosion being reported.

December 2022

In this multi-centric, real-world study, persistence with secukinumab and TNFi were not statistically different for matched populations. The primary outcome of this analysis was drug persistence, calculated as the difference in months between initiation and discontinuation.

November 2022

Post hoc analysis from the FINCH 1 study highlights filgotinib as a potential beneficial treatment option for patients with RA who have had inadequate response to MTX and have high risk of disease progression and poor prognosis.

July 2022

This study from Ruyssen-Witrand et al, highlights that the probability of being in drug free remission at 5-year in patients with recent onset of axSpA is low. The study was performed to investigate the possible association between demographic, clinical, biological and imaging characteristics and drug-free remission at 5 years.


June 2022

Bruckmann et al carried out this observational, proof of concept study to analyse the effect anti-TNF-therapy (TNFi) on inflammatory, structural, and osteoblastic activity lesions in radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (r-axSpA).