The results of this study show that anti-IL-12/23, JAK inhibitors, and anti-TNF-α were associated with slightly higher risk of MACE compared with placebo. The risk was no different between biologic treatments, and the magnitude of risk did not differ between IMID type.

September 2023

January 2023

This post-hoc analysis of 31 clinical trials in ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis concludes that combined influenza adverse event incidence rates were highest in ulcerative colitis, while in each indication they were generally similar across tofacitinib, placebo, and comparator groups.

October 2022

Post hoc analysis from ORAL Surveillance observes higher major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) risk with tofacitinib vs TNFi in patients with RA and history of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD).

January 2022

This post hoc analysis provides the first detailed description of the management and outcomes of HZ events in tofacitinib RA and PsA clinical studies.While prior studies have characterised the increased HZ risk with JAKinibs, the clinical management of these events has not been detailed.To this end, Winthrop, et al. analysed data from 21 RA and 3 PsA clinical studies to evaluate how HZ events and their sequelae were clinically managed during the RA and PsA tofacitinib clinical development progra...

March 2021

Analysis from the US Corrona RA registry has provided the longest-term real-world safety data for a JAK inhibitor to date. The analysis showed that the cohorts had similar adverse events, except for higher herpes zoster rates for tofacitinib initiators vs bDMARDs.Kremer JM, et al. analysed adult patients with RA newly initiating tofacitinib, or a bDMARD, to compare incidence rates of MACE, SIEs, HZ, malignancies and death. VTE data were also collected prospectively and assessed descriptively thr...
This study suggests that many bDMARDs and tsDMARDs can be considered equivalent therapeutic alternatives in bDMARD-naïve RA patients, with inadequate response to csDMARDs.In the absence of randomised controlled trials comparing drugs, indirect comparisons and network meta-analysis may provide information to help select an optimal treatment alternative. In this network meta-analysis, 27 randomized controlled trials were analysed to assess the possibility that some drugs on the market may be consi...