Secukinumab efficacy regarding PROs and retention rate was comparable between axSpA and PsA patient groups when adjusted for confounders. Christiansen et al compared 6-, 12- and 24-month pain, fatigue, PGA, and HAQ PROs in axSpA and PsA patients treated with secukinumab, as well as 24-monthy retention rates in this real-world study.  

September 2023

Comparing the alignment of European national recommendations for patients with PsA and axSpA with EULAR and ASAS-EULAR treatment recommendations found that only a minority of national treatment recommendations were completely aligned.


June 2023

Braun et al. studied a large cohort of patients with nr-axSpA, that demonstrated a secukinumab reduced SI joint inflammation (BME), this reduction was sustained over 104 weeks, from an overall low baseline level of spinal inflammation or structural damage.

March 2014

This study expands on previous findings that synovial inflammation does not coincide with the appearance of rheumatoid arthritis. This was a markedly larger study compared to previous, with 55 individuals assessed. All 55 subjects were positive for IgM rheumatoid factor and/or anti-citrillinated protein antibody as well as possessing no physical evidence of arthritis. 15 of the individuals tested developed arthritis after a median time of 13 months. In these patients the presence of inflammatory...
