Pina Vegas and her colleagues sought to assess the relative risk of MACEs in patients with PsA initiating bDMARDs or apremilast. They found that overall, the data produced overall a positive picture regarding the incidence of MACE in treatment.

Eder, et al. sought to investigate the sex-based differences in treatment response between male and female PsA patients. They found that overall male patients had higher clinical response rates and greater improvements in the individual components of these measures.

This analysis aimed to report the safety profile of ixekizumab for the PsA SPIRIT programme. The overall safety profile and tolerability of ixekizumab are consistent with the previously known safety profile in patients with PsA.

D'Agostino, et al. aimed to evaluate whether treatment with secukinumab inhibits synovitis in patients with active PsA, as measured by PDUS. They found that secukinumab rapidly and significantly decreased synovitis, indicating a direct effect of IL-17 inhibition on the synovium in patients with PsA.

A Retrospective Study of the Efficacy of JAK Inhibitors or Abatacept on Rheumatoid Arthritis-Interstitial Lung Disease

Inflammopharmacology. 2022. Epub ahead of print doi: 10.1007/s10787-022-00936-w

This study of the effectiveness of JAKinibs or abatacept in patients with RA-interstitial lung disease (RA-ILD) shows that treatment is related to stability or improvement of RA-ILD in over 80% of patients.

Two Phase 3 Trials of Baricitinib for Alopecia Areata

N Engl J Med. 2022. Epub ahead of print doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2110343

Phase 3 trials in patients with severe alopecia areata show that baricitinib is superior to placebo with respect to hair regrowth at 36 weeks.
Alopecia areata is characterised by nonscarring hair loss that can affect any hair-bearing site. Although mild cases of this emotionally- and psychosocially-distressing autoimmune disease may resolve within 12 months, more severe forms of the disease are unlikely to remit without treatment.

This was an exploratory post hoc analysis of pooled data, from over 2000 patients in three Phase 3 studies of tofacitinib, which demonstrates an association between tofacitinib treatment and significantly greater improvements in fatigue, sleep, and health-related quality of life (HRQoL), compared with placebo.

Merola and colleagues demonstrated a rapid and sustained reduction in hsCRP and the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in patients with IMIDs with a high systemic inflammatory burden treated with secukinumab.

The authors reviewed drug survival of therapies across common inflammatory skin and joint conditions from national registries.  The findings highlighted that despite the overlapping pathogenesis of these conditions there was little similarity in drug survival. This reinforces the need for an individualised treatment approach consistent with the underlying disease, patient profile and treatment history.

Treatment of axial spondyloarthritis: an update

Nat Rev Rheumatol. 18, 205–216 (2022) 2022 doi: 10.1038/s41584-022-00761-z

In this review Danve and Deodhar report an update on modern axSpa treatment. They found that in the past two decades substantial progress in the diagnosis and management of axSpA has been witnessed. Whilst ASAS classification criteria have enabled earlier diagnosis the increased availability of novel therapies, evolving drug safety data and novel clinical trials have allowed clinicians to rethink the placement and timing of drugs in disease management.
