Braun et al. studied a large cohort of patients with nr-axSpA, that demonstrated a secukinumab reduced SI joint inflammation (BME), this reduction was sustained over 104 weeks, from an overall low baseline level of spinal inflammation or structural damage.

JAK Inhibitors and the Risk of Malignancy: A Meta-analysis Across Disease Indications

Ann Rheum Dis. 2023;82(8):1059–1067 doi: 10.1136/ard-2023-224049

The objective of this study was to estimate the association of JAKi with the incidence of malignancy, compared with placebo, TNFi and MTX.

The results from Simon, et al. show that baricitinib treatment correlates with improvements in bone stiffness. Further improvements were also observed at the end of Week 52, with an increase in estimated failure load and no measurable progression in bone erosion being reported.

Reinisch, et al. show that filgotinib treatment has no effect on semen parameters for men with active inflammatory diseases. This contrasts with pre-clinical studies that showed fertility issues in male animals.

May 2023

Ixekizumab, has been shown to be efficacious against paradoxical palmoplantar pustulosis which has been reported following the administration of therapeutic TNFi. Following the increased use of biologic therapies that improve patients’ quality of life are causing paradoxical adverse effects


Secukinumab, an IL-17A monoclonal antibody, was shown to have remarkable efficacy for axSpA in the MEASURE 2 and MEASURE 3 trials. Previous studies have concluded that secukinumab was more efficacious in TNFi-naïve patients.

A prospective observational study showed that recombinant zoster vaccine (RZV) immunogenicity is not impaired in RA patients on JAK inhibitors or anti-cellular bDMARDs.

Investigators from a phase 2 study concluded that further investigation with BMS-986142 (a novel BTK) in people with RA is not necessary.


Results from the 2-year phase 3 study FUTURE 5 show that the majority of patients with PsA who are treated with secukinumab were able to achieve sustained low disease activity or remission by week 104.