Baricitinib as monotherapy for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: analysis of real-world data

Current Medical Research and Opinion 2024;40:1993–2002 doi: 10.1080/03007995.2024.2416979.

Edwards et al. report on real-world data for baricitinib monotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis, showing significant disease activity reduction across multiple registries and observational studies. These findings reinforce the viability of baricitinib monotherapy in clinical practice for RA patients, complementing existing guidelines.

March 2024

This study by Rech, et al. shows that 6-month treatment with abatacept was associated with a decrease in MRI inflammation, clinical symptoms, and risk of RA development in participants at high risk. The effects of the intervention persist through a 1-year drug-free observation phase.

June 2023

The results from Simon, et al. show that baricitinib treatment correlates with improvements in bone stiffness. Further improvements were also observed at the end of Week 52, with an increase in estimated failure load and no measurable progression in bone erosion being reported.

March 2020

JAKi significantly increased osteoblast function but showed no direct effects on osteoclasts.JAK signalling has emerged as an important therapeutic target for inflammatory disease, and the immunomodulation of JAK inhibition is well defined. Less well understood is the influence of this new class of drugs on bone homeostasis. This is important, as cytokine dysregulation triggers bone loss, and periarticular erosions contribute to the pathogenesis of RA. This study investigated the effect of BARI ...
