Baricitinib 4mg may be considered for long-term treatment of early and refractory rheumatoid arthritis following results demonstrating efficacy and tolerability for up to 3 years.Smolen JS, et al. analysed data from two completed 52-week, phase III studies, RA-BEGIN (DMARD-naïve) and RA-BEAM (MTX-IR), and one ongoing long-term extension study (RA-BEYOND) – providing data for 148 weeks in total. Results demonstrated that the long-term maintenance of clinically relevant treatment goals, including ...

April 2021

Comparative Analysis of BTK Inhibitors and Mechanisms Underlying Adverse Effects

Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 9:630942 DOI: 10.3389/fcell.2021.630942

Understanding of the B-cell receptor signalling pathway led to the identification of a suitable drug target to addresses autoimmunity and inflammation in areas such as MS, RA, pemphigus and SLE. There are currently 22 BTKis in various stages of clinical development. However, AEs such as cardiovascular and bleeding side effects, as well as rash, diarrhoea and infections have been associated with the inhibition of other kinases with a BTKi-binding cysteine in their catalytic domain.Based on clinic...


March 2021

Analysis from the US Corrona RA registry has provided the longest-term real-world safety data for a JAK inhibitor to date. The analysis showed that the cohorts had similar adverse events, except for higher herpes zoster rates for tofacitinib initiators vs bDMARDs.Kremer JM, et al. analysed adult patients with RA newly initiating tofacitinib, or a bDMARD, to compare incidence rates of MACE, SIEs, HZ, malignancies and death. VTE data were also collected prospectively and assessed descriptively thr...
Fatigue, physical function, pain, and morning joint stiffness are the most important PROs to track, according to the rheumatology patients who experience these symptoms. Increasingly used, alongside clinical measures, to track symptoms and assess disease activity over time, patient-reported outcomes (PROs) are also important indicators of quality of life and treatment effectiveness. To enable us to better understand which PROs patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease consider most imp...

February 2021

The JAK/STAT Pathway: A Focus on Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2021 Feb;51(1):278-284

Many cytokines associated with RA pathogenesis and pain are affected directly or indirectly by the JAK/STAT pathway, therapeutic targeting may offer promise. Having better understanding of these mechanisms can help clinicians make treatment decisions that optimise the control of inflammation and pain. However, pain in patients with RA is complex and involves multiple driving mechanisms that may differentially occur over time in different people. Although one known constant is that nociceptive ac...

January 2021

Upadacitinib for psoriatic arthritis refractory to biologics: SELECT-PsA 2

Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 2021 Mar 1;80(3):312-20.

In this trial of patients with active PsA who had inadequate response or intolerance to at least one biologic DMARD, upadacitinib 15 mg and 30 mg was more effective than placebo over 24 weeks in improving signs and symptoms of PsA. Despite the availability of bDMARDs in PsA, only a small proportion of patients achieve the recommended target of minimal disease activity; as such, additional treatment options are needed. Upadacitinib is under evaluation for PsA. This paper reports the 24-week data ...
Considering the multi-domain nature of PsA, effective treatments must demonstrate efficacy across a range of clinical and patient-reported outcomes. Dermatologic symptoms often precede rheumatic manifestations in people with PsA, typically by 10 years. Tofacitinib demonstrated significant improvements across a range of outcomes including burdensome dermatologic symptoms. This post hoc analysis included data from two double-blind, Phase 3 studies in patients with active PsA and an inadequate resp...
A significant proportion of people with RA remain symptomatic despite treatment according to current management recommendations. Different terms have traditionally been used to describe this subpopulation, including severe, refractory, resistant to multiple drugs or treatments, established and difficult-to-treat. A recent survey indicated that – in addition to new drugs – new management approaches are needed for optimal treatment in these patients.A EULAR Task Force agreed the uniform terminolog...


RA treatment guidelines recommend a treat-to-target approach guided by disease stage and treatment history, yet the optimal sequence of different treatment modalities has not been established. Data from Corrona – were used to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of TNFi versus non-TNFi bDMARDs and tsDMARDs as first-line treatment following csDMARD failure. Results support RA guidelines recommending individualised care based on clinical judgement and consideration of patient preference.The stud...


December 2020

Highlights of 2020

Please click the links below to go to the CSF review of each paper

2020 unfolded apace, dominated by COVID-19 - we have all had to adapt in our practice and in our knowledge base. Amid this there have continued to be a constant flow of publications and science in cytokine signaling, and as in previous years as we come the end of 2020, I will highlight some of the notable papers of the year. You can find the most notable papers, as selected by CSF Steering Committee Chair Professor Iain McInnes, with links to their respective detailed summaries below:
