In this study abatacept 30/10 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg doses were associated with greater improvements from baseline in MRI detected synovitis and tenosynovitis, respectively, compared with placebo, confirming the clinical outcomes. Indeed, inflammatory components demonstrated the greatest change from baseline.

Salinas, et al. evaluate baricitinib safety with respect to VTE, MACE, and serious infection relative to TNFi in patients with RA, in routine care and observe an increased risk of VTE in patients taking baricitinib, compared to TNFi.

November 2022

Large, population-based, real-world cohort of study in patients with RA finds tofacitinib not to be associated with an increased risk of malignancies, in comparison to TNFi agents, although a numerically increased risk of malignancies was observed in older patients with risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

October 2022

This study explored the clinical characteristics, outcomes, and time to onset of the four main toxicities of secukinumab with hypersensitivity identified as the most common toxicity.

In this latest investigation into ixekizumab more patients achieved targets assessed by mCPDAI and DAPSA than with other composites. This study assess’ the concordance and variability in performance of the composite measures in patients with PsA, as well as to provide greater granularity to the frequency and severity of residual symptoms in patients who achieve treatment targets.

Ixekizumab (IXE)-treated patients achieved significantly greater simultaneous PASI100 and ACR50 responses through W52 versus adalimumab (ADA)-treated, confirming IXE as an efficacious and safe treatment. This study investigated the efficacy and safety of IXE and ADA in the subgroup of patients with PsA and moderate-to-severe PsO through W52.

The results of this analysis indicated that certolizumab pegol (CZP) treatment benefits patients with nr-axSpA across all the MRI/CRP subgroups studied. To reach this conclusion, this study evaluated clinical responses to CZP in patients with nr-axSpA stratified by baseline MRI/CRP status.

Nationwide register-based study in Sweden finds that patients with RA treated with JAKinibs in routine clinical practice are at increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE), compared with those treated with bDMARDs, an increase numerically confined to pulmonary embolism.

September 2022

In the latest study by Curtis, et al. guselkumab treatment regimens improved general HRQoL as measured by the EQ-5D-5L Index and EQ-VAS. In reaching this conclusion investigators aimed to determine the minimal important difference for both instruments and to understand the associations between patient-reported EQ-5D-5L Index and EQ-VAS scores as well as key PsA clinical features.

Post hoc analysis findings provide the first data evaluating the importance of treatment order with JAKinib vs TNFi as initial therapy, suggesting that a JAKinib first strategy leads to more rapid improvements in treatment outcomes following csDMARD failure.