Phase 3 trials of ixekizumab in moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis

N Engl J Med 2016;375:345–56. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1512711

Gordon, et al. pool the results of UNCOVER-1, UNCOVER-2, and UNCOVER-3 to show that ixekizumab increases the proportion of patients achieving an sPGA score of 0/1 or PASI 75 versus placebo. Adverse events related to ixekizumab treatment included neutropenia, candidal infections, and inflammatory bowel disease.

This retrospective analysis by Weddell, et al. found no difference in IL-17Ai (secukinumab and ixekizumab) survival rates and no relationship between PsA or axSpA diagnosis and drug survival. They also noted lower survival figures at 2 years of treatment.

March 2024

This post hoc analysis of the SPIRIT-H2H study showed that patients with PsA that were treated with ixekizumab had significantly higher rates of symptom resolution versus adalimumab at Weeks 12 and 52 in distal interphalangeal joint disease and nail PsO.

Incident rates of TEAEs were comparable for patients with PsO, PsA, and axSpA and did not increase with prolonged ixekizumab (IXE) treatment. Deodhar, et al. presented the final update on the long-term safety of IXE up to 6 years in PsO patients and up to 3 years in PsA and axSpA patients. Exposure-adjusted incident rates were calculated using patient data (TEAEs, SAEs, selected AEs) from 25 clinical trials.


February 2024

Kwon, et al. found that adalimumab exposure significantly reduced risk of incident and recurrent acute anterior uveitis (AAU) versus etanercept exposure and bDMARD non-exposure. Furthermore, exposure to etanercept significantly increased risk of incident and recurrent AAU versus bDMARD non-exposure.

January 2024

This monocentric, retrospective clinical study by Mastorino, et al. found that ixekizumab demonstrated efficacy an safety in patients with PsA and PsO for up to five years. Being a super-responder was significantly associated with a lower rate of discontinuation, while high BMI was associated with a lower achievement of more than one PSAI measure up to Week 104.


September 2023

Phase 2a study assessing the efficacy and safety of tildrakizumab in patients with active AS fails to meet the primary endpoint.

Three-year data from the ixekizumab (IXE) COAST programme provide additional evidence that patients with axSpA receiving IXE experience long-term safety, and sustained improvements in efficacy outcomes, at 3 years.

Post-hoc analysis of SPIRIT-P1 and SPIRIT-P2 concludes that ixekizumab (IXE) is effective in improving axial symptoms in patients with active PsA presenting with axial manifestations.

May 2023

Ixekizumab, has been shown to be efficacious against paradoxical palmoplantar pustulosis which has been reported following the administration of therapeutic TNFi. Following the increased use of biologic therapies that improve patients’ quality of life are causing paradoxical adverse effects
