Poddubnyy et al. analysed five clinical trials to evaluate extra-musculoskeletal manifestations (EMMs) like uveitis, IBD, and psoriasis in patients treated with UPA. They observed low incidences across PsA, r-axSpA, and nr-axSpA. Numerically, uveitis rates were lower in
UPA-treated patients than in those receiving placebo, particularly in r-axSpA.


February 2024

Guselkumab treatment exhibited generally comparable and significant pharmacodynamic effects on IL-23/Th17–associated cytokines across participants with PsA who are biologic-naïve or have TNFi-IR. In coming to this conclusion, investigators assessed and compared immunologic differences and associations with clinical response to guselkumab in participants with active PsA who were biologic-naïve or TNFi-IR.

September 2023

Whole blood transcriptome profiling reveals differential gene expression in patients with active PsA from the DISCOVER-1 and DISCOVER-2 clinical studies in comparison with healthy controls.

July 2023

Results from the 3-year PsABio study demonstrated that, generally, ustekinumab and TNFi treatment led to an improvement in PROs. In coming to this conclusion, researchers aimed to evaluate the real-world effect of ustekinumab or a TNFi on PRO and their association with effectiveness endpoints in PsA patients over 3 years.

March 2023

These real-world data from PsABio on gender differences suggest that, at the start of biologic treatment, females have a worse clinical picture of PsA than males. In coming to these conclusions and others, this study sought to investigate effects of gender on disease characteristics and treatment impact in patients with PsA.

June 2022

Many RCTs have demonstrated efficacy and safety of biologics in PsA. However, long term comparative real world data is lacking. This study aimed to evaluate the real-world effectiveness and persistence of the IL-12/23 inhibitor ustekinumab or a TNFi for PsA 1 year post initiation. As a result, they found that PS-adjusted comparisons demonstrated comparable overall persistence, effectiveness and safety for both modes of action in PsA.

September 2013

Inhibition of spleen tyrosine kinase in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatology 2013;52:1556–1562 doi:10.1093/rheumatology/ket225

Both the innate and adaptive immune responses are targeted by current RA treatments, but these treatments do not achieve consistent sustained disease remission. Protein kinase inhibitors represent a promising new therapeutic target, owing to their influence on downstream signalling and oral bioavailability. Fostamatinib (R788) has shown ACR20 responses of 67–72% in MTX inadequate responder patients at doses of 100mg bd and 150mg bd. However, the results in biologic non-responder patients were no...
