New evidence supports the efficacy and safety of TNFi (originators/biosimilars) and IL-17i in r-axSpA and nr-axSpA. This systematic literature review was conducted to inform the taskforce of the 2022 update of the ASAS-EULAR recommendations.


Non-pharmacological interventions are important for any rheumatic disease, but especially axSpA, where they represent the cornerstone of treatment. The aim of this study was to produce a systematic literature review on efficacy and safety of non-pharmacological and non-biological pharmacological treatments was performed.


Post hoc analysis from the FINCH 1 study highlights filgotinib as a potential beneficial treatment option for patients with RA who have had inadequate response to MTX and have high risk of disease progression and poor prognosis.

Risankizumab (RZB) improves the signs and symptoms of PsA, with efficacy maintained through 52 weeks. Alongside the efficacy data, this analysis of KEEPsAKE 1 also evaluates the safety and tolerability profile of RZB.

This study reported the long-term efficacy, safety, and tolerability of RZB through 52 weeks of treatment in KEEPsAKE 2. In doing so it demonstrated long-term, durable efficacy of risankizumab in improving symptom control, physical function and quality of life in patients with active PsA who were csDMARD-IR or Bio-IR.

Results from the long-term extension of SELECT-PsA 1 show efficacy responses similar or greater with upadacitinib, 15 or 30mg, versus adalimumab through 104 weeks.

October 2022

Guselkumab (GUS) demonstrates better skin efficacy than most other targeted PsA therapies, including upadacitinib. The objective of this NMA update was to expand the network to include all targeted therapies in PsA on arthritis, skin efficacy and safety, and to include data on GUS patients with an IR to TNFinibs.

In this latest investigation into ixekizumab more patients achieved targets assessed by mCPDAI and DAPSA than with other composites. This study assess’ the concordance and variability in performance of the composite measures in patients with PsA, as well as to provide greater granularity to the frequency and severity of residual symptoms in patients who achieve treatment targets.

Ixekizumab (IXE)-treated patients achieved significantly greater simultaneous PASI100 and ACR50 responses through W52 versus adalimumab (ADA)-treated, confirming IXE as an efficacious and safe treatment. This study investigated the efficacy and safety of IXE and ADA in the subgroup of patients with PsA and moderate-to-severe PsO through W52.

The results of this analysis indicated that certolizumab pegol (CZP) treatment benefits patients with nr-axSpA across all the MRI/CRP subgroups studied. To reach this conclusion, this study evaluated clinical responses to CZP in patients with nr-axSpA stratified by baseline MRI/CRP status.