Worth, et al. found that namilumab did not show efficacy compared with placebo in patients with active axSpA, but the treatment was generally well tolerated. An unusually high proportion of ASAS20 responders at Week 12 were observed in the placebo group, which had a small sample size compared to the namilumab arm.

June 2024

The 1-year results of the SELECT-AXIS 2 study showed significant improvements in ASAS40 achievement in patients with nr-axSpA that were treated with upadacitinib 15mg QD versus placebo. Improvements in ASDAS endpoints, back pain, BASFI, and hsCRP from baseline were also observed.

Long-term clinical outcomes of certolizumab pegol treatment in non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis stratified by baseline MRI and CRP status

RMD Open 2024;10:e003884 doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2023-003884 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38724259/

The safety follow-up extension of the C-axSpAnd trial showed that long-term clinical outcomes from certolizumab pegol treatment achieved after 1 year were generally sustained at 3 years across MRI+/CRP+, MRI−/CRP+ and MRI+/CRP− subgroups.

April 2024

This study by Karakas, et al. found that obesity did not affect secukinumab treatment response and drug retention in ankylosing spondylitis patients.

This study by Goswami, et al. found that tofacitinib showed comparable effectiveness with adalimumab in axSpA patients at the sixth month.

November 2023

Baraliakos, et al. present data from two Phase 3 studies, BE MOBILE 1 and BE MOBILE 2, that investigated the clinical efficacy and safety of bimekizumab in axSpA patients. They found that bimekizumab had sustained and consistent efficacy in patients with nr-axSpA and r-axSpA.

October 2023

The efficacy and safety of updacitinib in bDMARD-IR patients with AS were sustained through to one year in an open-label extension of the SELECT-AXIS 2 study.


September 2023

Comparing the alignment of European national recommendations for patients with PsA and axSpA with EULAR and ASAS-EULAR treatment recommendations found that only a minority of national treatment recommendations were completely aligned.


July 2023

Administration of IV-golimumab 2 mg/kg improves fatigue symptoms in axial spondylitis in a 52 Week study. At Week 16 of treatment, improvements in ASAS, ASDAS, BASDAI and SF-36 scores were observed at week 16 of treatment.

March 2023

Baseline 10-year atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk and metabolic syndrome are potentially associated with the incidence of both MACE and malignancies in patients receiving TOFA in the PsA and PsO clinical trial programs. This post hoc analysis aimed to examine the baseline CV disease risk and its association with the occurrence of MACE and malignancies in TOFA-treated patients with PsA and PsO.