Kristensen et al. compared 14 PsA drugs across five treatment classes, evaluating their real-world effectiveness over three months. Ixekizumab showed rapid effectiveness on joint disease activity and skin outcomes, performing better than IL-12/23i and IL-23i, and comparable to TNFi and JAKi. More patients with active psoriasis achieved minimal disease activity with Ixekizumab than other therapies.

June 2024

Kwatra et al. found that risankizumab significantly improves clinical signs and symptoms of enthesitis and/or dactylitis in PsA patients, with substantial and sustained efficacy observed up to 52 weeks. Furthermore, these improvements were met by meaningful gains in patient reported outcomes.

April 2024

The 2023 EULAR recommendations provided an updated consensus on the pharmacological management of PsA with a new overarching principle and recommendation for 2023. Recent MOA safety data emphasised the importance of patient-specific benefit-risk profiling in JAKi therapy, and extra-musculoskeletal (MSK) manifestations related to PsA should be considered during drug selection.

This retrospective analysis by Weddell, et al. found no difference in IL-17Ai (secukinumab and ixekizumab) survival rates and no relationship between PsA or axSpA diagnosis and drug survival. They also noted lower survival figures at 2 years of treatment.

March 2024

This post hoc analysis of the SPIRIT-H2H study showed that patients with PsA that were treated with ixekizumab had significantly higher rates of symptom resolution versus adalimumab at Weeks 12 and 52 in distal interphalangeal joint disease and nail PsO.

May 2023

Results from the 52-week phase 3 EXCEED study showed that secukinumab and adalimumab both display similar efficacy in time to resolution of enthesitis, in patients with PsA, irrespective of baseline enthesitis severity and individual site distribution.

April 2023

Post hoc analysis of guselkumab, Phase 3 DISCOVER-1 and -2 studies finds that 75% of guselkumab-randomised patients have complete resolution of dactylitis through one year.

November 2021

A review of JAK-STAT signalling in the pathogenesis of spondyloarthritis and the role of JAK inhibition

Rheumatology (Oxford). 2021. Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keab740.

JAK inhibitors are likely to become an important part of the overall treatment paradigm for spondyloarthritis (SpA).Although not fully understood, the pathogenesis of SpA is complex and thought to involve both environmental and genetic factors that together elicit a chronic inflammatory response involving the innate and adaptive immune systems. Several different cytokines, TNF, IL-17A, IL-12/23 and IL-23, which are directly/indirectly affected by JAK molecules, are involved in the pathogenesis o...