This study by Rech, et al. shows that 6-month treatment with abatacept was associated with a decrease in MRI inflammation, clinical symptoms, and risk of RA development in participants at high risk. The effects of the intervention persist through a 1-year drug-free observation phase.

February 2024

Therapeutic intervention during the at-risk phase of RA with abatacept is feasible, with acceptable safety profiles. However, the efficacy of intermittent administration at multiple intervals remains to be assessed.

January 2024

This Phase 3 RCT by D’Agostino, et al. assessed the long-term effect of secukinumab to placebo at tissue level on synovitis and enthesitis, and across all PsA manifestations. They found consistent improvements in clinically and ultrasound-assessed synovitis and enthesitis.

May 2022

D'Agostino, et al. aimed to evaluate whether treatment with secukinumab inhibits synovitis in patients with active PsA, as measured by PDUS. They found that secukinumab rapidly and significantly decreased synovitis, indicating a direct effect of IL-17 inhibition on the synovium in patients with PsA.