This study confirms the safety of long-term apremilast use in patients with plaque PsO, active PsA, or oral ulcers associated with Behçet’s syndrome. In coming to this conclusion, investigators conducted a pooled analysis of apremilast data from 15 clinical studies with open-label extension phases, focusing on long-term safety.

Cicirello, et al. present results showing that baricitinib is comparable in treatment persistence with TNF inhibitors. However, treatment persistence up to 24 months was significantly longer for baricitinib, but the effect size of one month is not clinically meaningful.

Pots hoc analysis of peficitinib Phase 3 trials shows that continued treatment with peficitinib up to Week 52 is linked to improved remission rates in Asian patients with RA.

Pots hoc analysis of safety data in patients with RA at increased risk of CV events from the upadacitinib SELECT phase III RA clinical programme helps to contextualise the overall risk profile of upadacitinib.

June 2023

Reinisch, et al. show that filgotinib treatment has no effect on semen parameters for men with active inflammatory diseases. This contrasts with pre-clinical studies that showed fertility issues in male animals.

May 2023

Investigators from a phase 2 study concluded that further investigation with BMS-986142 (a novel BTK) in people with RA is not necessary.


Results from the 52-week phase 3 EXCEED study showed that secukinumab and adalimumab both display similar efficacy in time to resolution of enthesitis, in patients with PsA, irrespective of baseline enthesitis severity and individual site distribution.

Evidence from two phase 3 RCTs showed that patients with PsA and axial involvement had greater responses when treated with a once-daily oral dose of 15 mg upadacitinib versus placebo, and a similar or greater response versus adalimumab. Safety results were comparable between patients with or without axial involvement.

April 2023

Findings from a post hoc analysis of ORAL Surveillance can help guide individualised benefit/risk assessment and clinical decision-making on treatment with tofacitinib, based on identification of subpopulations ‘at risk’.