This review by Taylor, et al. reviews the long-term safety and efficacy data for baricitinib. Results from several studies showed that baricitinib has greater efficacy and survival compared to TNF inhibitors, and that the rate of CDAI <10 for baricitinib-treated RA patients increased over the course of seven years. Data also showed that remission rates were higher in real-world evidence than in RCTs.

July 2023

Pots hoc analysis of peficitinib Phase 3 trials shows that continued treatment with peficitinib up to Week 52 is linked to improved remission rates in Asian patients with RA.

May 2023

Results from the 2-year phase 3 study FUTURE 5 show that the majority of patients with PsA who are treated with secukinumab were able to achieve sustained low disease activity or remission by week 104.

January 2023

This systematic review and meta-analysis of studies evaluated the proportion of patients in remission after the dosage of MTX was tapered, and concludes that patients with controlled RA may taper MTX from targeted therapy with a 10% reduction in the ability to sustain remission for up to 18 months.

This post hoc analysis of data from the ORAL Shift study, concludes that DAS28-4(ESR), CDAI remission and SDAI remission are the metrics most likely to reflect actual disease activity, in the context of tofacitinib in a randomised withdrawal of MTX.

December 2022

Smolen, et al. provide a 2022 update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of RA with synthetic and biological DMARDs.


October 2022

In this latest investigation into ixekizumab more patients achieved targets assessed by mCPDAI and DAPSA than with other composites. This study assess’ the concordance and variability in performance of the composite measures in patients with PsA, as well as to provide greater granularity to the frequency and severity of residual symptoms in patients who achieve treatment targets.

July 2022

This study from Ruyssen-Witrand et al, highlights that the probability of being in drug free remission at 5-year in patients with recent onset of axSpA is low. The study was performed to investigate the possible association between demographic, clinical, biological and imaging characteristics and drug-free remission at 5 years.


This analysis found that patients with active PsA who receive treatment with guselkumab can achieve robust and sustained low disease activity or remission. In reaching this conclusion investigators sought to evaluate the efficacy of guselkumab for the treatment of active PsA through the use of composite indices.