In this open-label extension study of BE AGILE, the safety profile of bimekizumab was found to be consistent with previously demonstrated findings, and no new safety signals were identified. The objective was to assess the long-term safety, tolerability, and efficacy of bimekizumab in patients with active AS.

November 2022

ASAS-EULAR Recommendations for the Management of Axial Spondyloarthritis: 2022 Update

Ann Rheum Dis 2022; online ahead of print doi:10.1136/ard-2022-223296

Since the last update in 2016, more data have become available on existing treatment options for axSpA, and particularly on IL-17i. The increasing availability of more drugs and with different modes of action raises questions around their positioning in the treatment pathway. This review sought to update the 2016 recommendations with newly available evidence.


October 2022

The results of this analysis indicated that certolizumab pegol (CZP) treatment benefits patients with nr-axSpA across all the MRI/CRP subgroups studied. To reach this conclusion, this study evaluated clinical responses to CZP in patients with nr-axSpA stratified by baseline MRI/CRP status.

The present analysis demonstrated that patients continuously treated with IXE were less likely to experience flare compared with patients receiving placebo. The aim of this study was to evaluate the recapture of response with open-label IXE retreatment at week 104 in patients with axSpA who flared after withdrawal of IXE therapy.

August 2022

Bimekizumab is associated with sustained, long-term efficacy in r-axSpA patinets across three years of treatment. In coming to this conclusion, investigators sought to assess the long-term safety, tolerability, and efficacy of bimekizumab in active r-axSpA.

June 2022

Maksymowych et al., evaluated the efficacy of Ixekizumab in patients with radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (r-axSpA) with and without objective measures of inflammation.

December 2021

A Phase 3 study assesses the efficacy and safety of tofacitinib in adults with active AS.Deodhar, et al. found that ASAS20 and ASAS40 response rate significantly increased with tofacitinib 5 mg BID versus placebo at Week 16, with improvements maintained to Week 48.There were no new safety signals detected over the course of the study....

November 2018

In this first clinical trial of filgotinib in patients with active AS, filgotinib significantly reduced disease activity, and the signs and symptoms of AS compared with placebo. The TORTUGA trial was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, Phase 2 trial, that enrolled 263 adult patients from 30 sites in seven countries. Patients with active AS and an inadequate response or intolerance to two or more NSAIDs were assigned 1:1 to receive filgotinib 200 mg or placebo once daily for 12 weeks....