Ixekizumab (IXE)-treated patients achieved significantly greater simultaneous PASI100 and ACR50 responses through W52 versus adalimumab (ADA)-treated, confirming IXE as an efficacious and safe treatment. This study investigated the efficacy and safety of IXE and ADA in the subgroup of patients with PsA and moderate-to-severe PsO through W52.

Nationwide register-based study in Sweden finds that patients with RA treated with JAKinibs in routine clinical practice are at increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE), compared with those treated with bDMARDs, an increase numerically confined to pulmonary embolism.

Post hoc analysis from ORAL Surveillance observes higher major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) risk with tofacitinib vs TNFi in patients with RA and history of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD).

September 2022

This study suggested that COMBIO (combination of targeted therapy) appears to be effective in achieving significant and mild-to-moderate improvement in half and a quarter of patients with IMIDs, respectively. This was an ambispective study of a French cohort of patients from gastroenterology, rheumatology, and dermatology.


This study highlighted improvements in disease activity, function and quality of life were achieved early on into treatment and were sustained through 116 weeks of IXE therapy for patients with r-axSpA and nr-axSpA. In this study investigators aimed to report the long-term efficacy and safety results for patients treated with ixekizumab for up to 116 weeks.

In the latest study by Brunner, et al. secukinumab demonstrated efficacy and safety in the JIA categories of ERA and JPsA. This phase 3 study aimed to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of secukinumab in patients with active ERA and JPsA.

In this investigation, upadacitinib showed comparable efficacy as monotherapy and in combination with nbDMARDs in PsA. In coming to this conclusion investigators aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of upadacitinib as monotherapy or in combination with nbDMARDs in patients with PsA.


Olokizumab versus Placebo or Adalimumab in Rheumatoid Arthritis

N Engl J Med. 2022;387(8):715–726. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2201302

Phase 3 trial of olokizumab, a direct inhibitor of the IL-6 ligand, demonstrates superiority to placebo with respect to an ACR20 response at week 12 and noninferiority to adalimumab (all combined with methotrexate), in patients with RA.

Post hoc analysis, using the final dataset from ORAL Surveillance, reveals a higher risk of non-serious infections and herpes zoster with tofacitinib vs TNFi, and higher risk of serious infection events with tofacitinib 10 mg BID versus TNFi, particularly in patients aged ≥65 years.

Blocking the IL-6R is a major therapeutic advance for many diseases in adults and children. Updated consensus statement provides guidance to rheumatologists and other experts, as well as patients and administrators, on managing patients with the use of drugs blocking the IL-6 pathway.
