This study reported the overall retention of secukinumab in daily practice in the period following its approval in France was approximately 59% at 1 year in axSpA patients. The aim of this study was to determine whether OSI were predictive of secukinumab retention at 1 year.

February 2023

This study demonstrated comparable drug retention between AS patients treated with alternative TNFi and secukinumab after failing to respond to prior TNFi therapy. The objective of this study was to compare the drug retention times and clinical efficacy of alternative TNFi and secukinumab in primary and secondary
non-responders with AS.

December 2022

In this multi-centric, real-world study, persistence with secukinumab and TNFi were not statistically different for matched populations. The primary outcome of this analysis was drug persistence, calculated as the difference in months between initiation and discontinuation.

In this study ixekizumab and secukinumab patients had similar treatment patterns. It was also surmised that the use of adjunctive pain and anti-inflammatory medications were similar between therapies. In coming to this conclusion investigators aimed to compare treatment patterns and use of pain and anti-inflammatory medications between patients with PsA initiating ixekizumab and secukinumab in two cohorts of patients from…(add here where is the population coming from).


October 2022

This study explored the clinical characteristics, outcomes, and time to onset of the four main toxicities of secukinumab with hypersensitivity identified as the most common toxicity.

September 2022

In the latest study by Brunner, et al. secukinumab demonstrated efficacy and safety in the JIA categories of ERA and JPsA. This phase 3 study aimed to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of secukinumab in patients with active ERA and JPsA.

August 2022

Secukinumab improves the burden of heel enthesitis as assessed by patient and physician reported outcomes in patients with active SpA refractory to standard treatment. In coming to this conclusion, the ACHILLES trial aimed to demonstrate the efficacy of secukinumab on Achilles’ tendon enthesitis in SpA patients.

July 2022

Glintborg B et al, highlight in their recent research from the Nordic countries, that there is a low frequency of hospitalised infections during treatment with secukinumab or TNFi in patients with SpA and PsA. In clinical practice, secukinumab was found to double absolute risk of 1st year hospitalised infection compared with adalimumab, with the other TNFi treatments falling in between.

June 2022

Merola et al., reported the effect of interleukin (IL)-17A inhibition with secukinumab on cardiovascular (CV) risk parameters in patients with psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis (PsA), and axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) over 1 year of treatment. This study evaluated data from 19 secukinumab related clinical trials in phase 3/4 in psoriasis, PsA, and axSpA.

Enthesitis is a hallmark feature of SpA, including PsA and axSpA, and is proposed as the primary lesion in spondyloarthropathies. This study aimed to investigate the imaging characteristics of heel enthesitis in SpA in a post hoc analysis using the HEMRIS in blinded and centrally read MRI data from the ACHILLES trial..