Observational, nationwide cohort study finds no increased risk for cancer overall in RA patients treated with TNFis, anti-CD20 or anti-IL6.

Real-world population-based study shows that a switch to a second JAKinib results in a higher drug retention, as compared to switching to a TNFi, in patients with RA who discontinue original JAKinib therapy.


van der Horst-Bruinsma et al., carried out a post-hoc analysis to confirm that the clinical presentations and responses to ixekizumab therapy may differ in male and female patients.

Maksymowych et al., evaluated the efficacy of Ixekizumab in patients with radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (r-axSpA) with and without objective measures of inflammation.

Maksymowych et al., carried out a post-hoc analysis to assess the effect of filgotinib on MRI measures of structural change in the SI joint in patients with active AS in the TORTUGA trial. This study evaluated lesions using SPARCC SSS definitions for erosion, backfill, fat metaplasia and ankylosis by two independent scoring readers.

May 2022

Pina Vegas and her colleagues sought to assess the relative risk of MACEs in patients with PsA initiating bDMARDs or apremilast. They found that overall, the data produced overall a positive picture regarding the incidence of MACE in treatment.

Eder, et al. sought to investigate the sex-based differences in treatment response between male and female PsA patients. They found that overall male patients had higher clinical response rates and greater improvements in the individual components of these measures.

A Retrospective Study of the Efficacy of JAK Inhibitors or Abatacept on Rheumatoid Arthritis-Interstitial Lung Disease

Inflammopharmacology. 2022. Epub ahead of print doi: 10.1007/s10787-022-00936-w

This study of the effectiveness of JAKinibs or abatacept in patients with RA-interstitial lung disease (RA-ILD) shows that treatment is related to stability or improvement of RA-ILD in over 80% of patients.

The authors reviewed drug survival of therapies across common inflammatory skin and joint conditions from national registries.  The findings highlighted that despite the overlapping pathogenesis of these conditions there was little similarity in drug survival. This reinforces the need for an individualised treatment approach consistent with the underlying disease, patient profile and treatment history.

The most common immune system-related AEs in patients treated with IL-17 inhibitors are mucosal and opportunistic infections.

Interleukin (IL)-17 inhibitors are a series of biological drugs used to treat a number of conditions, including ankylosing spondylitis, a disease characterised by immune system dysregulation and joint inflammation. Azadeh, et al. aimed to assess the risk of immune system-related AEs due to targeting IL-17 or IL-17R.