Adami et al. conducted a retrospective analysis to evaluate the GC sparing effects of JAKi versus bDMARDs in rheumatoid arthritis patients. They found that JAKi therapy was associated with a significant reduction in GC dose compared with bDMARDs. This suggests that JAKi could be more effective in reducing long-term GC exposure in RA patients.


July 2024

This study by Mahadevan, et al. evaluated pregnancy outcomes in patients exposed to upadacitinib during pregnancy. Rates of adverse pregnancy outcomes with upadacitinib exposure were comparable to rates observed in the general population or patients with autoimmune inflammatory diseases not receiving upadacitinib. The data were limited for in utero exposure to upadacitinib, so definitive conclusions cannot be drawn regarding the effect of upadacitinib on pregnancy outcomes.

May 2024

Shu, et al. identified 37 preferred terms as unexpected AEs following risankizumab treatment, and found 48 AEs with an increased risk of risankizumab-induced AE severity. They also identified that risankizumab signal strengths were significantly higher in eight system organ classes.

Crude gastrointestinal perforation (GIP) incidence rate was higher for the JAKi group compared with those receiving adalimumab, however rates of GIP did not differ between JAKi and adalimumab groups in the weighted and adjusted model. Hoisnard et al compared the risk of GIP in patients initiating treatment with JAKis or adalimumab among real-world patients with rheumatic disease.

April 2024

Results of this analysis by Hernández-Cruz, et al. show that infections, herpes zoster and gastrointestinal AEs in patients with RA tended to be more frequent with JAKi treatment versus TNFi. They also found that treatment persistence was similar with JAKi and TNFi in patients with RA and axSpA, and only slightly higher for TNFi in patients with PsA.

March 2024

This study by Goswami, et al. found that tofacitinib showed comparable effectiveness with adalimumab in axSpA patients at the sixth month.

Unadjusted time to all-cause discontinuation was significantly longer with baricitinib treatment versus TNFi (estimated median prescription survival time of 704 days versus 448 days; log-rank P<0.01). This difference increased when only comparing differences for b/tsDMARD-naïve patients treated with baricitinib versus tofacitinib.

February 2024

This retrospective analysis by Weddell, et al. found no difference in IL-17Ai (secukinumab and ixekizumab) survival rates and no relationship between PsA or axSpA diagnosis and drug survival. They also noted lower survival figures at 2 years of treatment.

This study by Cho, et al. did not find any significant differences in remission rates in South Korean patients with RA that were treated with tofacitinib versus TNFi in a real-world setting. Remission rates were significantly higher for patients naïve to both JAKi and bDMARDs treated with tofacitinib versus TNFi.


January 2024

Cardiovascular Safety of Janus Kinase Inhibitor Therapy in a Multi-ethnic Population

Musculoskeletal Care 2023 doi 10.1002/msc.1853 Epub ahead of print

This study by Sunmboye, et al. investigated the relationship between CV event incidence and age in a multi-ethnic population that received JAK inhibitor therapy. They concluded that JAK inhibitor therapy was generally safe in a multi-ethnic population with a large age range, but they did find a statistically significant but numerically small positive correlation between age and CV incidence