Analysis of pooled data from the baricitinib clinical development programmes finds a low incidence rate of MACE, myocardial infarction, lung cancer, VTE, and overall mortality in patients <65 years without risk factors.

December 2022

Salinas, et al. evaluate baricitinib safety with respect to VTE, MACE, and serious infection relative to TNFi in patients with RA, in routine care and observe an increased risk of VTE in patients taking baricitinib, compared to TNFi.

November 2021

Analysis of data from the highest level of patient exposure to baricitinib across the spectrum of the RA population demonstrates that baricitinib maintained a similar safety profile to earlier analyses, with no new safety signals identified.Using integrated data from nine randomised controlled trials, Taylor, et al. assessed the safety of baricitinib 2 mg and 4 mg once-daily. Analysis of data from 3770 patients (median 4.6 years, up to 9.3 years) with active RA showed that baricitinib maintained...

August 2021

バリシチニブの関節性肺疾患に対するリスク: 治験症例の報告

Rheumatol Ther. 2021 Jun 28. DOI: 10.1007/s40744-021-00332-w

Findings from a descriptive clinical case report from clinical trials show that patients with RA, treated with baricitinib, are at low risk to developing non-infectious interstitial lung disease (ILD) during treatment.Salvarani, et al. used a descriptive, multicentric, retrospective cohort study of eight randomised trials and one long-term extension study to estimate the number of incident ILD cases reported. Their findings showed that the risk of developing non-infectious ILD during baricitinib...