This study by Rech, et al. shows that 6-month treatment with abatacept was associated with a decrease in MRI inflammation, clinical symptoms, and risk of RA development in participants at high risk. The effects of the intervention persist through a 1-year drug-free observation phase.

July 2020

COVID-19 : Revisiter les Voies Inflammatoires de l'Arthrite

Nat Rev Rheumatol 2020

This review investigates the potential implications of COVID-19 on the field of rheumatology. Common pathways in COVID-19 and RA have provided rationale for the trial of DMARD therapies in treatment of severe COVID-19 infections. Safety considerations of RA patients undergoing immunomodulatory treatments are reviewed. Recommendations suggest that RA patients should continue DMARD treatment, whereas glucocorticoid use could be deleterious in COVID-19 infection and should be considered carefully, ...