This study by Mahadevan, et al. evaluated pregnancy outcomes in patients exposed to upadacitinib during pregnancy. Rates of adverse pregnancy outcomes with upadacitinib exposure were comparable to rates observed in the general population or patients with autoimmune inflammatory diseases not receiving upadacitinib. The data were limited for in utero exposure to upadacitinib, so definitive conclusions cannot be drawn regarding the effect of upadacitinib on pregnancy outcomes.

September 2022

Post hoc analysis findings provide the first data evaluating the importance of treatment order with JAKinib vs TNFi as initial therapy, suggesting that a JAKinib first strategy leads to more rapid improvements in treatment outcomes following csDMARD failure.

February 2018

This Chinese sub-population of patients with RA from ORAL Sync reported significant improvements in patient-reported outcomes (PROs), which were maintained up to 12 months from tofacitinib (TOF) treatment initiation. ORAL Sync was a randomised, Phase 3 study investigating TOF therapy in combination with csDMARDs in patients with active RA who had previously had an inadequate response to csDMARDs. To date, this is the only Phase 3 study of TOF in patients from China with RA. This analysis include...


December 2017

This case series evaluated the use of tocilizumab (TCZ) as an effective treatment for patients who develop arthritis as an adverse event (AE) of immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) cancer treatment. Results suggested that TCZ was an effective treatment, as it reduced the arthritis disease progression.ICIs have been defined as a revolutionary treatment for metastatic melanomas; however, a common AE is the development of polyarthritis. Current arthritis treatments reduce the efficiency of ICI therap...