Guselkumab, um inibidor seletivo da subunidade p19 da interleucina-23, resolve a dactilite em pacientes com artrite psoriásica ativa: Resultados agrupados até a semana 52 de dois estudos de fase 3

Post hoc analysis of guselkumab, Phase 3 DISCOVER-1 and -2 studies finds that 75% of guselkumab-randomised patients have complete resolution of dactylitis through one year.

Dactylitis is a high burden, hallmark symptom within PsA, the resolution of which may be associated with better long-term patient outcomes. To help assess this, McGonagle, et al.  sought to examine specific treatment effects of guselkumab across one year, in patients with PsA with and without dactylitis.