乾癬性関節炎における従来型抗リウマチ薬併用または非併用によるイキセキズマブの有効性と安全性: SPIRIT‑P1 と SPIRIT‑Pの3年結果

In this investigation ixekizumab showed sustained efficacy in PsA therapy for up to three years in both monotherapy and combination with MTX or a csDMARD. Here, investigators set out to evaluate the three-year efficacy and safety of ixekizumab with and without csDMARD use in patients with active PsA.

To do this they pooled date from two related studies comparing ixekizumab, namely the SPRIT-P1 and SPIRIT-P2 studies.

Safety data also provides further information on the use of ixekizumab. Similar safety and immunogenicity profiles were observed across both mono- and concomitant therapy groups, supporting the use of concomitant MTX or csDMARDs in the treatment of active PsA.