予後不良因子を有するMTX未治療RA患者におけるフィルゴチニブの有効性と安全性: FINCH 3試験の事後解析
Aletaha D,
Westhovens R,
Gaujoux-Viala C,
Adami G,
Matsumoto A,
Bird P,
Messina OD,
Buch MH,
Bartok B,
Yin Z,
Guo Y,
Hendrikx T,
Burmester GR.
RMD Open. 2021;7(2):e001621.
Post hoc analysis of the phase III FINCH study shows that filgotinib may be an alternative treatment option for patients with RA who have poor prognostic factors (PPFs), especially those not responding to standard treatment such as methotrexate (MTX).PPFs are associated with severe disease and risk for disease progression in patients with RA. Consequently, the 2019 EULAR management guidelines for RA recommend early treatment escalation for patients with PPFs who have inadequate response to first-line therapyTo this end, Aletaha, et al. assessed the efficacy and safety of filgotinib in a subgroup of MTX-naïve patients with RA and PPFs present at baseline.