生物学的製剤に効果不十分な乾癬性関節炎患者におけるウパダシチニブ:56週間 無作為化対照第3相SELECT-PsA 2 試験

Fifty-six-week data suggest that upadacitinib could be a favourable long-term treatment option in patients with PsA who are refractory to biologic therapy.As the need for additional therapeutic agents that can effectively control disease activity continues, new data from a 56-week analysis of the oral reversible JAK1 inhibitor, upadacitinib, currently under investigation for the treatment of PsA, shows that efficacy of the drug is maintained over the duration of this study.Mease, et al. explored the longer-term safety and maintenance of efficacy of upadacitinib in patients with PsA and an inadequate response or intolerance to biologic treatment, in an extension to the 24-week SELECT-PsA 2 study. They found that efficacy was maintained with upadacitinib over this extended time period and was comparable between the 15 mg and 30 mg QD doses. In addition, patients who switched to the JAK1 inhibitor at week 24, after previously being in the placebo arm of the study, had similar results at week 56 to those originally randomised to the upadacitinib groups. Rates of serious infections and herpes zoster events appeared to be dose dependent, whereas no dose dependent risks were observed for adjudicated MACE, VTE, or malignancies.