Nationwide study involving 14 778 new users of targeted therapies with PsA found treatment persistence to be lower for women than men for TNFi and IL17i but not for IL-12/23i, IL-23i or JAK inhibition.

The Risk Factors for Uveitis Among Psoriatic Arthritis Patients: A Population-based Cohort Study

Clin Rheumatol. 2023;43(3):1053–1061 doi: 10.1007/s10067-023-06834-y

Retrospective matched cohort study concludes that PsA is associated with increased risk of uveitis, with past uveitis and treatment with etanercept being independently associated with a higher risk of uveitis. Patients who developed uveitis were mainly treated with topical glucocorticoids.

This Phase 3 RCT by D’Agostino, et al. assessed the long-term effect of secukinumab to placebo at tissue level on synovitis and enthesitis, and across all PsA manifestations. They found consistent improvements in clinically and ultrasound-assessed synovitis and enthesitis.