Influence of Sex on the Persistence of Different Classes of Targeted Therapies for Psoriatic Arthritis: A Cohort Study of 14 778 Patients from the French Health Insurance Database (SNDS)

RMD Open. 2023;9(4):e003570 doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2023-003570

Nationwide study involving 14 778 new users of targeted therapies with PsA found treatment persistence to be lower for women than men for TNFi and IL17i but not for IL-12/23i, IL-23i or JAK inhibition.

A change in the sex distribution of PsA from a male to a female predominance has been reported over the last decade, with sex-related and gender-related differences being seen in clinical presentation, disease course and response to treatment. However, to date, no real-life study has specifically assessed whether different targeted therapy classes affect men and women with PsA differently.

To help address this, Pina Vegas, et al. performed a nationwide cohort study utilising a national French health insurance database, to assess the effect of sex on the long-term persistence of each class of targeted therapy in PsA.