Secukinumab efficacy regarding PROs and retention rate was comparable between axSpA and PsA patient groups when adjusted for confounders. Christiansen et al compared 6-, 12- and 24-month pain, fatigue, PGA, and HAQ PROs in axSpA and PsA patients treated with secukinumab, as well as 24-monthy retention rates in this real-world study.  

Kwon, et al. found that adalimumab exposure significantly reduced risk of incident and recurrent acute anterior uveitis (AAU) versus etanercept exposure and bDMARD non-exposure. Furthermore, exposure to etanercept significantly increased risk of incident and recurrent AAU versus bDMARD non-exposure.

This real-world study by Kim, et al. found no significant relationship between continued JAK inhibitor therapy in patients with IMIDs and the risk of subsequent recurrent HZ reactivation. They also found no significant difference in the number of days patients were treated for HZ in the JAK inhibitor continuation and discontinuation groups.

Effectiveness and Safety of Filgotinib in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Real-life Multicentre Experience

Clin Exp Rheumatol 2024 doi 10.55563/clinexprheumatol/k78ug3 Epub ahead of print

This real-world observational study by La Barbera, et al. confirms that filgotinib is efficacious and safe for use in the management of RA. The authors also report that improvements in clinical and laboratory features were greater in bDMARD-naïve patients with RA.

December 2023

This multicentre, retrospective study by Hayashi, et al. found no significant differences in efficacy and safety between tofacitinib, baricitinib, peficitinib and upadacitinib in patients with RA. Predictive factors for resistance to LDA achievement included baseline CRP and CDAI for tofacitinib and baseline glucocorticoid dose, baseline CDAI and number of previous b/tsDMARDs for baricitinib.

October 2023

This retrospective inception cohort study investigated RA patients starting a new bDMARD or JAKi prescription between 01 August 2018 and 31 January 2022 from IQVIA’s Dutch Real-World Data Longitudinal Prescription database.

Real-world data from the PsABio study indicated that females with PsA had more severe disease than males before the initiation of treatment. While both genders experienced treatment related improvements, fewer females than males were able to achieve a favourable disease state within 12 months. Treatment discontinuation and switching were also higher in females than males, due to lower efficacy and adverse events.      

As part of the GBD 2021, the authors provide updated estimates for the global burden of RA. In 2020, approximately 17.6 million people worldwide had RA, with a 14.1% increase in prevalence since 1990. Mortality decreased by 23.8% from 1990 to 2020. The study forecasts an increase in cases to 31.7 million by 2050.

This study by Bergman, et al. showed that RA patients are significantly more likely to adhere to upadacitinib within the first 12 months of prescription versus adalimumab, baricitinib, and tofacitinib. There was also a significantly lower risk of discontinuation for upadacitinib versus the other treatment prescriptions.

September 2023

The majority of patients receiving persistent risankizumab therapy achieved clear or clear/almost clear skin at 12 months and patients reported significant reductions in DLQI scores, PROs (fatigue, skin pain, overall itch), and work and activity impairment.