This review by Taylor, et al. reviews the long-term safety and efficacy data for baricitinib. Results from several studies showed that baricitinib has greater efficacy and survival compared to TNF inhibitors, and that the rate of CDAI <10 for baricitinib-treated RA patients increased over the course of seven years. Data also showed that remission rates were higher in real-world evidence than in RCTs.

July 2023

Results from the 3-year PsABio study demonstrated that, generally, ustekinumab and TNFi treatment led to an improvement in PROs. In coming to this conclusion, researchers aimed to evaluate the real-world effect of ustekinumab or a TNFi on PRO and their association with effectiveness endpoints in PsA patients over 3 years.

Cicirello, et al. present results showing that baricitinib is comparable in treatment persistence with TNF inhibitors. However, treatment persistence up to 24 months was significantly longer for baricitinib, but the effect size of one month is not clinically meaningful.

June 2023

This real-world study showed that sustained BASDAI <3 may be a valid and feasible target for a treat-to-target strategy in AxSpA, having function as treatment goal.


April 2023

This study reported the overall retention of secukinumab in daily practice in the period following its approval in France was approximately 59% at 1 year in axSpA patients. The aim of this study was to determine whether OSI were predictive of secukinumab retention at 1 year.

March 2023

These real-world data from PsABio on gender differences suggest that, at the start of biologic treatment, females have a worse clinical picture of PsA than males. In coming to these conclusions and others, this study sought to investigate effects of gender on disease characteristics and treatment impact in patients with PsA.

MACEs were observed in patients newly receiving compensation from the Long-term Illness Scheme for AS. The objective of this study was to describe the incidence of MACEs in French patients newly benefiting from the French LTI for AS. The study also sought to evaluate the effect of various treatments on the risk of MACE occurrence.

February 2023

The results highlighted the long-term impact of the presence of Achilles enthesitis on the burden of disease. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the impact of Achilles' tendon enthesitis found at baseline during physical examination on the outcome measures after 2 years of follow-up in patients with AS.

Herpes zoster in Patients with Inflammatory Arthritides or Ulcerative Colitis Treated with Tofacitinib, Baricitinib or Upadacitinib: A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials and Real-world Studies

Overall, this evidence supports that HZ-risk is a “class” effect of JAKi, observing a higher risk compared to other non-biologic/biologic drugs . This study aimed to systematically review the incidence of HZ among RA, PsA, AS and UC patients treated with TOFA, BARI or UPA.

Overall, this evidence supports that HZ-risk is a “class” effect of JAKi, observing a higher risk compared to other non-biologic/biologic drugs . This study aimed to systematically review the incidence of HZ among RA, PsA, AS and UC patients treated with TOFA, BARI or UPA.