Janus kinases (JAKs) mediate the regulation of a variety of cytokine signals with alterations in JAK1, JAK2, JAK3 and Tyk2 signalling contributing to many disease states including autoimmune diseases and haematological malignancies. Recently tofacitinib and ruxolitinib have been approved for treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and myelofibrosis respectively. Several JAK2 inhibitors, such as momelotinib and pacritinib, currently in development for myelofibrosis and the JAK1/2 inhibitor baricitinib...

February 2014

Two systematic literature reviews were undertaken to update the safety findings on synthetic and biological DMARDs in order to inform the updates to the EULAR recommendations to the treatment of RA. Of 10,559 articles screened, 49 were included for review covering a diverse range of outcomes. In the main these showed the patients on bDMARDs had a significantly greater risk of serious infections and tuberculosis compared with csDMARDs, while differences in data between studies mean a slight incre...


January 2014

Ibrutinib is a first-in-class, orally available Btk (Bruton’s tyrosine kinase) inhibitor which has been shown to be effective in the treatment against certain types of leukemia and autoimmune disorders. Btk regulates the expression of genes involved in the differentiation and function of osteoclasts, and therefore inhibiting Btk suppresses osteoclastic bone resorption. Results from in vitro testing showed the suppressive effects on osteoclasts and murine models of RA showed ibrutinib treatment p...

November 2013

Therapeutic Targeting of the JAK/STAT Pathway

Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2013 Oct 24. doi: 10.1111/bcpt.12164

The inhibition of the JAK/STAT pathway has proven to be a powerful therapeutic tool in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. The authors review the role of the JAK/STAT pathway in human disease, including the role of mutations in defective function of this pathway. They discuss the rationale behind JAK inhibition and review the two JAK inhibitors currently approved by the FDA for clinical use; tofacitinib, for the treatment of RA, and ruxolitinib, for the treatment of polycythaemia vera and myel...


The 2010 EULAR recommendations represented a significant step forward in the management of rheumatoid arthritis, and they have been widely adopted across the world. However, in the rapidly evolving world of rheumatology, it was recognised that a substantial amount of new evidence has accumulated, both on agents approved at that time as well as data on new compounds that have become available over the last 3–4 years. This motivated EULAR to form an international task force to update their recomme...


October 2013

The role of p38-MAPK inhibitors in treating RA is the subject of some debate. Li et al. therefore performed the first meta-analysis of the current data to evaluate the efficacy and safety of these compounds. The authors identified 3 papers, covering 4 RCTs, for analysis and the results showed that p38-MAPK inhibition achieves a better level of ACR20 improvement vs. placebo, but showed no meaningful difference in ACR50, DAS28 or CRP levels past week 12. Due to the inadequate number and quality of...


Many patients with active RA have an inadequate response to biologic and nonbiologic DMARDs. Kremer et al carried out a one year, randomized trial studying the efficacy of tofacitinib in conjunction with background nonbiologic DMARDs (primarily methotrexate) in these patients. The results showed that using tofacitinib in combination with nonbiologic DMARDs rapidly improved physical function and reduced signs and symptoms of RA versus placebo, measured by ACR20 rates, DAS28 and HAQ-DI. The data f...


September 2013

SYK plays a significant role in the immune cell signalling of B cells, mast cells, macrophages and neutrophils. Kaur et al. provide a comprehensive review of the molecule, its role in autoimmune disease and clinical data on its inhibition. The paper covers the basic chemistry of SYK including structure, mechanism of action, synthetic derivatives and function, and the relevance of SYK as a therapeutic target for many autoimmune diseases is discussed. The SYK inhibitors currently in clinical trial...


Inhibition of spleen tyrosine kinase in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatology 2013;52:1556–1562 doi:10.1093/rheumatology/ket225

Both the innate and adaptive immune responses are targeted by current RA treatments, but these treatments do not achieve consistent sustained disease remission. Protein kinase inhibitors represent a promising new therapeutic target, owing to their influence on downstream signalling and oral bioavailability. Fostamatinib (R788) has shown ACR20 responses of 67–72% in MTX inadequate responder patients at doses of 100mg bd and 150mg bd. However, the results in biologic non-responder patients were no...


August 2013

Salgado and colleagues conducted a systematic literature review of the safety profiles of protein kinase inhibitors (PKis) used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Additionally, the study aims included identification of any class and molecule-related target and off-target adverse events. Data from 11,858 patients across 41 publications (phase 2 and 3 studies and two pooled analyses) were analysed. As well as published trials of PKi in RA, studies on healthy individuals and patients w...