Poddubnyy et al. analysed five clinical trials to evaluate extra-musculoskeletal manifestations (EMMs) like uveitis, IBD, and psoriasis in patients treated with UPA. They observed low incidences across PsA, r-axSpA, and nr-axSpA. Numerically, uveitis rates were lower in
UPA-treated patients than in those receiving placebo, particularly in r-axSpA.


June 2023

May 2023

Results from the 52-week phase 3 EXCEED study showed that secukinumab and adalimumab both display similar efficacy in time to resolution of enthesitis, in patients with PsA, irrespective of baseline enthesitis severity and individual site distribution.

March 2022

Predefined analysis of FUTURE 5, the largest Phase 3 randomised trial of secukinumab in patients with PsA to date, demonstrates that secukinumab results in early, statistically significant, clinically meaningful, sustained improvements in PROs across all doses, compared with placebo.The fully human anti-interleukin 17A monoclonal antibody, secukinumab has shown clinical and radiographical efficacy in patients with PsA, yet the clinical significance of improvements across a wide variety of PROs r...