Kristensen et al. compared 14 PsA drugs across five treatment classes, evaluating their real-world effectiveness over three months. Ixekizumab showed rapid effectiveness on joint disease activity and skin outcomes, performing better than IL-12/23i and IL-23i, and comparable to TNFi and JAKi. More patients with active psoriasis achieved minimal disease activity with Ixekizumab than other therapies.

April 2024

Deucravacitinib improved physical and social functioning, mental health, fatigue, and pain in a
Phase 2 trial in patients with active PsA. Here, investigators aimed to report the impact of deucravacitinib in a Phase 2 study in patients with active PsA from a patient perspective.

February 2024

Effectiveness of Sequential Lines of Biologic and Targeted Small Molecule Drugs in Psoriatic Arthritis: A Systematic Review

Rheumatology (Oxford). 2024 Jan 18:keae006 doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keae006 Epub ahead of print

The authors found that there is a reduction in effectiveness of lines of bDMARDs after first-line in PsA, with inadequate data to determine response to tsDMARDs.


January 2024

The Risk Factors for Uveitis Among Psoriatic Arthritis Patients: A Population-based Cohort Study

Clin Rheumatol. 2023;43(3):1053–1061 doi: 10.1007/s10067-023-06834-y

Retrospective matched cohort study concludes that PsA is associated with increased risk of uveitis, with past uveitis and treatment with etanercept being independently associated with a higher risk of uveitis. Patients who developed uveitis were mainly treated with topical glucocorticoids.