Guselkumab demonstrates long-term efficacy and maintenance of treatment response postwithdrawal in systemic treatment-naïve patients and nonresponders to fumaric acid esters: Results from parts II and III of a randomized active-comparator-controlled Phase IIIb trial (POLARIS)

Thaçi, et al. show that guselkumab (GUS) had higher efficacy and a more tolerable safety profile compared with fumaric acid esters (FAE) in patients with moderate. Long-term efficacy through 100 weeks of treatment was seen with GUS as a first-line systemic treatment, and as a second-line systemic treatment in FAE nonresponders.

The Phase 3 POLARIS trial was split into three parts, with the results of parts II (Weeks 24–64) and III (Weeks 64–100) presented in this study. Part IIa compared GUS to FAE, while part IIb compared GUS responders, GUS nonresponders, FAE responders, and FAE nonresponders that were switched to GUS. Part III observed the three GUS groups up to Week 100.