世界, 地域, 国別の関節リウマチの負荷, 1990–2020と2050までの予測: 疾患負荷のシステマティックレビュー 2021

Lancet Rheumatol 2023;5(10):e594–610 doi 10.1016/S2665-9913(23)00211-4

As part of the GBD 2021, the authors provide updated estimates for the global burden of RA. In 2020, approximately 17.6 million people worldwide had RA, with a 14.1% increase in prevalence since 1990. Mortality decreased by 23.8% from 1990 to 2020. The study forecasts an increase in cases to 31.7 million by 2050.

Prevalence was estimated in 204 countries and territories from 1990 to 2020 using Bayesian meta-regression models and data from population-based studies and medical claims data. Prevalence was forecast to 2050 by logistic regression with Socio-Demographic Index as a predictor.