アプレミラストの乾癬, 乾癬性関節炎, ベーチェット症候群を対象とした15つの無作為化プラセボ対照試験の長期安全性統合解析

This study confirms the safety of long-term apremilast use in patients with plaque PsO, active PsA, or oral ulcers associated with Behçet’s syndrome. In coming to this conclusion, investigators conducted a pooled analysis of apremilast data from 15 clinical studies with open-label extension phases, focusing on long-term safety.

Interestingly, exposure-adjusted incidence rate for serious events and events of special interest were low (< 1%) in patients treated with apremilast 30mg twice daily despite significant exposure. Overall, apremilast provides a therapeutic option with established long-term safety and a favourable benefit–risk profile for patients with PsA, PsO, or Behçet’s syndrome requiring chronic, systemic therapy.