心血管疾患リスクのある患者にこえるウパダシチニブの安全性: 関節リウマチに対するSELECTフェーズ3開発プログラムの統合事後解析

Pots hoc analysis of safety data in patients with RA at increased risk of CV events from the upadacitinib SELECT phase III RA clinical programme helps to contextualise the overall risk profile of upadacitinib.

Following the recent reports from the ORAL Surveillance study, highlighting different safety risks of the JAK inhibitor tofacitinib in patients with RA aged ≥50 years with ≥1 additional CV risk factor, clinicians have sort to better understand whether these differential risks are common to all members of the JAK inhibitor class. As such, Fleischmann, et al. undertook a post hoc analysis evaluating the safety of upadacitinib across the SELECT RA programme, focusing on patients similar to those enrolled in ORAL Surveillance.