Persistance et efficacité de l'ustekinumab, un inhibiteur de la voie de l'IL-12/23, ou d'un inhibiteur du facteur de nécrose tumorale chez les patients atteints de rhumatisme psoriasique : résultats à un an de l'étude PsABio en situation réelle

Many RCTs have demonstrated efficacy and safety of biologics in PsA. However, long term comparative real world data is lacking. This study aimed to evaluate the real-world effectiveness and persistence of the IL-12/23 inhibitor ustekinumab or a TNFi for PsA 1 year post initiation. As a result, they found that PS-adjusted comparisons demonstrated comparable overall persistence, effectiveness and safety for both modes of action in PsA.

This study acted as an update for the PsABio, a prospective, observational study which followed patients with PsA who were prescribed first-line to third line ustekinumab or TNFi. Drug persistence, effectiveness and safety were assessed every 6 months and the collected data analysed to produce PS-adjusted comparisons across cohorts.

These propensity score-adjusted comparisons also found that patients were more likely to remain on ustekinumab than TNFi when extensive skin disease was present and when MTX was not used as a concomitant treatment. This provides an interesting insight into treatment persistence which may be useful to clinicians.