Effets de la thérapie anti-TNF sur les lésions inflammatoires, structurelles et ostéoblastiques dans la spondyloarthrite axiale radiographique - une étude prospective de preuve de concept utilisant la TEP/IRM de l'articulation sacro-iliaque et de la colonne vertébrale

Clinically active r-axSpA patients (n=16) were treated with TNFi and imaged using Na[18F]F-PET/MRI of the sacroiliac joints (SIJ) and spine (n=10) at one week of treatment and at 3-6 months progression. Images were evaluated by three, blinded to timepoints, readers

Overall, there was a clinical improvement on the group level, as assessed by a decrease of BASDAI and ASDAS, including a significant decrease of CRP values. Significant reduction of bone marrow edema, both in the SIJ and the spine was observed.

In conclusion, anti-TNF treatment led to significant decrease of osteoblastic activity within 3-6 months at sites with inflammation.