This study by Bergman, et al. showed that RA patients are significantly more likely to adhere to upadacitinib within the first 12 months of prescription versus adalimumab, baricitinib, and tofacitinib. There was also a significantly lower risk of discontinuation for upadacitinib versus the other treatment prescriptions.

September 2023

In this post hoc analysis by Deoodhar, et al., the authors found that tofacitinib demonstrated greater efficacy than placebo in bDMARD-naïve and TNFi-IR AS patients. They also found that safety event rates for tofacitinib therapy were numerically higher in the TNFi-IR subgroup than the bDMARD-naïve subgroup.

Findings from post hoc analyses extend the knowledge base for radiographic benefits of filgotinib in patients with RA.

Whole blood transcriptome profiling reveals differential gene expression in patients with active PsA from the DISCOVER-1 and DISCOVER-2 clinical studies in comparison with healthy controls.

This study by Harrold, et al. showed that RA patients initiating upadacitinib reported improvements in RAPID3, pain, stiffness, and fatigue as early as Week 1, with 37.5% achieving RAPID3 LDA at Week 12. TNFi-experienced patients had similar outcomes.

August 2023

Differential Properties of Janus Kinase Inhibitors in the Treatment of Immune-mediated Inflammatory Diseases

Rheumatology (Oxford) 2023;63(2):298–308 doi 10.1093/rheumatology/kead448

JAKis differ in structure, which affects their inhibitory concentration for different JAKs.

This review by Taylor, et al. compares the pharmacological profiles of JAKis, including abrocitinib, baricitinib, filgotinib, peficitinib, tofacitinib, and upadacitinib.

Post-hoc analysis of SPIRIT-P1 and SPIRIT-P2 concludes that ixekizumab (IXE) is effective in improving axial symptoms in patients with active PsA presenting with axial manifestations.

Post-hoc analysis of two tofacitinib phase three studies concludes that tofacitinib treatment resulted in improvements in enthesitis in patients with PsA, regardless of baseline location or severity.

This meta-analysis by Wei, et al. found that JAKi therapy was not associated with a higher risk of MACE than treatment with adalimumab, abatacept, or placebo. However, a higher incidence of all-cause mortality was observed with tofacitinib treatment than with adalimumab treatment.