Genetic analysis of tofacitinib-treated subjects with RA or PsO identified multiple loci associated with increased herpes zoster (HZ) risk.It is well known that HZ risk is elevated in subjects with RA compared with the general population, and that treatment with JAK inhibitors may result in increased risks compared with TNFi and other bDMARD treatments. To this end, Bing, et al. used genome-wide association studies to identify genetic factors associated with an increased risk/faster onset of HZ ...

December 2018

Tofacitinib (TOF) treatment is associated with short-term transient increases in absolute lymphocyte counts (ALC), followed by a gradual decline to reach steady state by ~48 months. Changes in both ALC and lymphocyte subset counts (LSC) were reversible upon TOF discontinuation. Low ALC but not LSC were associated with an increased risk of serious infective episodes (SIEs) and herpes zoster (HZ). This data supported the treatment recommendations on ALC counts for starting and continuing therapy w...