This study by Mahadevan, et al. evaluated pregnancy outcomes in patients exposed to upadacitinib during pregnancy. Rates of adverse pregnancy outcomes with upadacitinib exposure were comparable to rates observed in the general population or patients with autoimmune inflammatory diseases not receiving upadacitinib. The data were limited for in utero exposure to upadacitinib, so definitive conclusions cannot be drawn regarding the effect of upadacitinib on pregnancy outcomes.

June 2024

The outcomes of children born to mothers with autoimmune rheumatic diseases

Lancet Rheumatol 2024:S2665-9913(24)00096-1 doi: 10.1016/S2665-9913(24)00096-1 Epub ahead of print

This Series paper by Andreoli, et al. provides a comprehensive overview of the literature for pregnancy outcomes for mothers with autoimmune rheumatic disease, and provides guidance on discussing these topics with patients. They also provide a list of frequently asked questions related to pregnancy and children by women with autoimmune rheumatic diseases.

March 2020

Baricitinib Exposure During Pregnancy in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis. 2020;12:1759720X19899296

Broad and focused studies are required to have an insight of safety for small molecules, such as JAK inhibitors in the case of accidental exposure before or during pregnancy.This case study’s objective describes a case report of a 43-year-old woman affected by RA who became pregnant during BARI treatment. She has had two previous pregnancies at term without complications. After failure of bDMARDs due to loss of efficacy and adverse drug reactions, the patient was started on BARI when it became a...

February 2017

This dataset is the largest series of tocilizumab (TCZ)-exposed pregnancies to date; considering the limitations of global safety databases, the data presented provide information to assist physicians and patients in making informed decisions.At present, published experience on TCZ use during pregnancy is very limited. In the current analysis, all pregnancy-related reports in the Roche Global Safety Database until December 31, 2014 were analysed. Outcomes assessed included: spontaneous abortion,...

July 2016

Pregnancy Outcomes in the Tofacitinib Safety Databases for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Psoriasis

Drug Saf. 2016 June 9; 39:755–762; DOI 10.1007/s40264-016-0431-z [Epub ahead of print]

RA and psoriasis may present in women of child-bearing potential, however there are currently no adequate or well-controlled studies of tofacitinib (TOF) or any DMARD in pregnant women. Pregnancy was an exclusion criterion of TOF randomized clinical trials because of the unknown effects of TOF on mother and child; TOF is a small molecule with the potential to cross the placenta. The current analysis looked at reported pregnancies and their outcomes from TOF RA and psoriasis clinical safety datab...

March 2016

MTX users have an increased incidence of spontaneous abortions (SABs) compared to baseline risk (42.5%1 vs. 13-17%2). Tocilizumab (TCZ) has been shown to have similar efficacy with or without MTX. There is currently limited data on the effect of TCZ on pregnancy, but with more safety data, TCZ could be an alternative for RA patients of reproductive age. The patients were enrolled at Embryotox Berlin, a pharmacovigilance center providing risk assessment during pregnancy, between 2011 and 2014 dur...