Baraliakos et al. assessed the long-term efficacy and safety of upadacitinib in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis who were refractory to biologic therapy. At week 104, the treatment sustained improvements in disease activity and functional outcomes with low rates of radiographic progression and no new safety signals.

October 2024

Østergaard et al. conducted a phase 4 multicentre, single-arm, open-label study to evaluate the effect of apremilast on MRI-assessed inflammation in PsA patients using PsAMRIS and MRI-WIPE. The study demonstrated that apremilast reduced inflammation in joints and entheses with no structural damage progression. The study also supports the use of MRI as an objective tool in PsA trials.

May 2024

The 1-year results of the SELECT-AXIS 2 study showed significant improvements in ASAS40 achievement in patients with nr-axSpA that were treated with upadacitinib 15mg QD versus placebo. Improvements in ASDAS endpoints, back pain, BASFI, and hsCRP from baseline were also observed.

October 2023

Baraliakos, et al. present data from two Phase 3 studies, BE MOBILE 1 and BE MOBILE 2, that investigated the clinical efficacy and safety of bimekizumab in axSpA patients. They found that bimekizumab had sustained and consistent efficacy in patients with nr-axSpA and r-axSpA.

June 2023

Tofacitinib treatment is associated with a significant improvement in CANDEN MRI scores of spinal inflammation in axSpA patients. This study by Østergaard, et al. also validates the CANDEN MRI scoring system as an approach for measuring axSpA-associated inflammatory lesions.

February 2023

Bimekizumab may therefore offer patients with axSpA an effective treatment option with a novel mode of action.

October 2022

The results of this analysis indicated that certolizumab pegol (CZP) treatment benefits patients with nr-axSpA across all the MRI/CRP subgroups studied. To reach this conclusion, this study evaluated clinical responses to CZP in patients with nr-axSpA stratified by baseline MRI/CRP status.

August 2022

Upadacitinib significantly improved the signs and symptoms of nr-axSpA compared with placebo at Week 14 in this investigation. Prior to this, upadacitinib had been shown to be effective in patients with AS. This study aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of upadacitinib in non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis.

June 2022

Maksymowych et al., assessed the effects of filgotinib on inflammatory and structural changes at various spinal locations, based on MRI measures in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis in the TORTUGA trial. Correlations between changes in the inflammation score and clinical outcomes were also evaluated.

Maksymowych et al., evaluated the efficacy of Ixekizumab in patients with radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (r-axSpA) with and without objective measures of inflammation.