The results of this analysis indicated that certolizumab pegol (CZP) treatment benefits patients with nr-axSpA across all the MRI/CRP subgroups studied. To reach this conclusion, this study evaluated clinical responses to CZP in patients with nr-axSpA stratified by baseline MRI/CRP status.

August 2022

Upadacitinib significantly improved the signs and symptoms of nr-axSpA compared with placebo at Week 14 in this investigation. Prior to this, upadacitinib had been shown to be effective in patients with AS. This study aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of upadacitinib in non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis.

June 2022

Maksymowych et al., assessed the effects of filgotinib on inflammatory and structural changes at various spinal locations, based on MRI measures in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis in the TORTUGA trial. Correlations between changes in the inflammation score and clinical outcomes were also evaluated.

Maksymowych et al., evaluated the efficacy of Ixekizumab in patients with radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (r-axSpA) with and without objective measures of inflammation.

Maksymowych et al., carried out a post-hoc analysis to assess the effect of filgotinib on MRI measures of structural change in the SI joint in patients with active AS in the TORTUGA trial. This study evaluated lesions using SPARCC SSS definitions for erosion, backfill, fat metaplasia and ankylosis by two independent scoring readers.