Tofacitinib is a JAK inhibitor currently approved for the treatment of RA in some parts of the world. In this paper, Migita et al tested the effects of tofacitinib on circulating serum amyloid A (SAA). SAA is a major acute-phase reactant in RA and studies have shown it may be a better marker for the assessment of inflammatory joint disease compared with C-reactive protein. SAA is induced by the binding of IL-6 and the activation of the JAK/STAT pathway, which is inhibited by tofacitinib. Results...

February 2014

The PK of tofacitinib has previously been described in several papers covering a range of diseases. This current study was used to better understand the PK, metabolism and clearance mechanisms of tofacitinib in healthy human subjects. Six subjects took a single 50mg dose of 14C-tofacitinib orally and consequently had urine, faeces and plasma collected. These were assayed for radioactivity and profiled for metabolites. Tofacitinib was found to be rapidly absorbed, with peak plasma concentrations ...

January 2014

Preclinical studies can provide insight into mechanisms of efficacy and optimal dosing regimens. In this study, Dowty et al. compare the pharmacokinetic / pharmacodynamic profiles of tofacitinib in a murine arthritis model and in patients with rheumatoid arthritis from tofacitinib clinical trials. The main driver of efficacy in both preclinical murine arthritis models and clinical RA was found to be inhibition of JAK1 heterodimer signalling, where total drug exposure (Cave) was a predictor of pr...