Psoriatic arthritis clusters, obtained by machine learning (ML) analysis of pooled data from the FUTURE, MEASURE, and MAXIMISE trials, indicate phenotypical heterogeneity of patients with PsA and axial manifestations and overlapping features across the spondyloarthritis spectrum. Here, Baraliakos, et al. sort to identify distinct clinical clusters, based on patient demographics and baseline clinical indicators, from the secukinumab clinical development programme.

September 2023

Janus Kinase Inhibitor—Tofacitinib Associated with Pemphigus: An Analysis of the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System Data

ExpExpert Opin Drug Saf. 2023;22(12):1317–1320 doi: 10.1080/14740338.2023.2248872

This study presents initial data suggesting an association between the use of JAK inhibitors and pemphigus. This research used the FAERS database to investigate connections between JAK inhibitor usage and the occurrence of pemphigus as an adverse event.


July 2023

This study by Tanaka, et al. shows that filgotinib reduces peripheral protein biomarkers associated with JAK/STAT signalling, inflammatory signalling, immune cell migration, and bone resorption in RA patients. Notably, filgotinib 200 mg significantly reduced IL-6, TNF, CXCL13 levels as early as Week 4.

June 2023

Incidence rates for autoimmune diseases increased between 2000 and 2019 in the UK, notably in coeliac disease, Sjogren's syndrome, and Graves' disease. Pernicious anaemia and Hashimoto's thyroiditis had the greatest decrease in incidence. These disorders affected about 10% of the population, with socioeconomic, seasonal, and regional variations observed.


May 2023

Investigators from a phase 2 study concluded that further investigation with BMS-986142 (a novel BTK) in people with RA is not necessary.


February 2023

This study demonstrated comparable drug retention between AS patients treated with alternative TNFi and secukinumab after failing to respond to prior TNFi therapy. The objective of this study was to compare the drug retention times and clinical efficacy of alternative TNFi and secukinumab in primary and secondary
non-responders with AS.

December 2022

In this study abatacept 30/10 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg doses were associated with greater improvements from baseline in MRI detected synovitis and tenosynovitis, respectively, compared with placebo, confirming the clinical outcomes. Indeed, inflammatory components demonstrated the greatest change from baseline.

October 2022

This study explored the clinical characteristics, outcomes, and time to onset of the four main toxicities of secukinumab with hypersensitivity identified as the most common toxicity.

September 2022

This Phase 3 study by Strober, et al. reports deucravacitinib superiority to placebo and apremilast in patients with PsO. The authors found that deucravacitinib had significantly higher rates of PASI 75 and sPGA achievement than placebo and deucravacitinib.

August 2022

Secukinumab improves the burden of heel enthesitis as assessed by patient and physician reported outcomes in patients with active SpA refractory to standard treatment. In coming to this conclusion, the ACHILLES trial aimed to demonstrate the efficacy of secukinumab on Achilles’ tendon enthesitis in SpA patients.