This real-world study showed that sustained BASDAI <3 may be a valid and feasible target for a treat-to-target strategy in AxSpA, having function as treatment goal.


The study demonstrated that obesity is a factor that could play a role in treatment decision-making in people living with inflammatory arthritis (IA). It appears that efficacy of TNFi is affected by patients’ weight/BMI in all forms of IA, while this is not the case for TCZ and ABA in RA, as well for IL-17 and IL-23 inhibitors in PsA.


Braun et al. studied a large cohort of patients with nr-axSpA, that demonstrated a secukinumab reduced SI joint inflammation (BME), this reduction was sustained over 104 weeks, from an overall low baseline level of spinal inflammation or structural damage.

JAK Inhibitors and the Risk of Malignancy: A Meta-analysis Across Disease Indications

Ann Rheum Dis. 2023;82(8):1059–1067 doi: 10.1136/ard-2023-224049

The objective of this study was to estimate the association of JAKi with the incidence of malignancy, compared with placebo, TNFi and MTX.

May 2023

Ixekizumab, has been shown to be efficacious against paradoxical palmoplantar pustulosis which has been reported following the administration of therapeutic TNFi. Following the increased use of biologic therapies that improve patients’ quality of life are causing paradoxical adverse effects


Investigators from a phase 2 study concluded that further investigation with BMS-986142 (a novel BTK) in people with RA is not necessary.


April 2023

Retrospective cohort study results suggest that treatment with tofacitinib, and perhaps other JAK inhibitors, may provide a benefit in reducing the risk of developing RA-Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD).

Retrospective cohort study found 15 501 PsO patients in the TriNetX database during January 2014–June 2022 that were prescribed bDMARDS, of which 6.3% developed inflammatory arthritis. 3.5% of all patients in the study specifically developed PsA.

Evidence from two phase 3 RCTs and one LTE shows that while tofacitinib efficacy exceeds placebo in both sexes and is comparable between sexes, males are more likely to achieve minimal disease activity than females.

TNF inhibitors (TNFi) are one main mode of therapy in patients with PsA who fail to respond to csDMARDs. However, they have a primary treatment failure rate of 40% and only a modest target of ≥20% ACR20 response. The objective of this study was to evaluate efficacy and safety of guselkumab, interleukin-23 inhibitor in the DISCOVER-1 study with active PsA patients by prior use of TNFi.